0 comments Friday, November 28, 2008

To everyone that has followed my wanderings and endured my inanities I have been gone far too long. Since I last wrote here several months ago I have twice traveled across the country in my car and spent a summer working and adventuring on the coast of Maine in Acadia National Park. Lets not forget an epic weeklong canoe trip down the raging Saco river all the way to the ocean. Many tales and photos to come as I catch up on my writings and photos. 

In order to give all these tales and experiences their due I have expanded my blog and in an effort to make it easier to use for all I have moved to a different service. Crispyhouse is now hosted at.

New additions to the site are an easily accessed photo gallery, archives of all previous posts and comments, and a new Soapbox section where I promise to begin posting my writings. Also I can offer email updates for new posts and vastly easier commenting, so you can all let me know just how funny i really look. 

I hope everyone enjoys the new site!

0 comments Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And people claim there is nothing to do in Wichita, KS. On my grand tour through the states this summer I recently made a stop to visit cousin Kristian Strom. Running an online book selling business out of his basement and general entrepeneurship that he has been rocking since we were kids. Great to catch up after not seeing each other for several years we were only urged on in the craziness upon discovering that Indiana Jones was premiering at midnight on my last night in town. So of course we dropped all plans and got costumes together, not that either of us are huge Indiana Jones fans but rather immense fans of dress up. Of course we were the only people in costume and I even almost got arrested as a rent-a-cop nearly took me out for wielding a plastic cap gun, of course, only in Kansas. A great visit and a great chance to see a place in this country that people seldom think about, it was beautiful and even though tornados roll through the Kansas plains all the time, what's life without some excitement. 

Up next I am headed to the Badlands in SD to pick up the last member of the expedition and then its off for the east, somewhere. 

2 comments Monday, February 4, 2008

Ok so here's the surprise, Pat is off to europe!!! You got it, the jet set life continues with another incredible trip. Tomorrow morning me and two friends are embarking on an entirely unplanned trip to Munich and probably Austria, but maybe Slovenia I don't know, I just don't know if we'll have time. Worry not my fair folks this craziness will only last a week but I plan on fully conquering the alps. Can't give many more details that cause there just aren't any more. No worries though cause I figure that no one reads this thing anyway so if you are one of the few Surprise. And if you are in my family I totally plan on calling you before I leave, now if I could just find my phone. 

0 comments Friday, January 11, 2008

pretty tough when this is the view from you bedroom window. This mountain constantly provides new amazing views. While beautiful the winds at the peak right there are gusting over 50mph sounds like some good skiing huh!

0 comments Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Well the new year has come and gone but we made the most of it. Last chair of 2007 rewarded us with a spectacular ray of sunshine for one last rally. December was a great month as we got several good storms and even a couple of early powder days. Its been so great to be back in Montana hearing stories of everyones summer adventures, only whetting my appetite for more traveling. For now though I am more than content to enjoy the snow and relative calm of the slow part of the season where the mountain is all my own and fresh lines are always waiting.