Well the sadness has come I have left the dear adventure of New Zealand and returned to the bustle of good ol' America. I'm partway along right now, taking a few days to lay low in LA before continuing my trek back to the homelands of the East Coast. The goodbyes in NZ were hard and it is a place that I already miss. While it was not the most successful or smoothest of trips it is going to be a special one always. The grandeur of the land and the kindness of the people encouraged me to explore and the friends I met along the way opened my eyes to so many more doors. I leave behind Dave and Amy with an unfinished expedition, the hardest part is that we won't finish together as we set out, but overall this too will work out.
Now that I have had a few days of perspective to look back at my time in the south south pacific I am realizing that I did far more than it really felt like. Almost every week was a new adventure, a new traveling challenge that always paid off with a beautiful vista or a crazed event. I am wiser and more confident after my season abroad, almost more importantly though I have learned to value my sense of wonder. The ability to remove your logical thinking and appreciate something for its standalone beauty without needing reason or purpose. A continuing sense of wonderment mixed with unquenched curiosity keeps me moving and discovering new people places and myself. Thank-you New Zealand it has been an influence that will happily shade me for the rest of my life.